Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Manage health and safety in the workplace Assignment

Manage health and safety in the workplace - Assignment Example This means that the UAE is suffering from poor health and safety practices. However, the UAE ministry of labor law regulated the health and safety act in 1980 and underwent a regulation in 1986. Risk assessments as required by legislation, regulation and organizational Work place safety and health is a framework that cultivates safe habits in all individuals in order to engender a strong safety culture in the workplace. It requires stakeholders to take measures that ensure that individuals at work place are safe and healthy (Oxford Business Group, 2008: 23). The aim of the UAE regulated Act was to push the stakeholders to eliminate or even minimize the risk that result from work related accidents. More so, the acts penalize stakeholders who do not adhere to accident preventing measures. This means that the Act contain laws that oversee the rights of employees because it offers protective equipment guidelines and advocates for first Aid and medical facilities. Health and safety regula tions and legislation and how it is applied in specific work situations Chapter 5 of the UAE Labor Law outlines workers entitlements in terms of protective safety equipment, first-aid boxes, fire procedures, ventilation, water and medical care as well as sanitation (Loney et al, 2012: NP). First he law does not permit industrial and construction workers to work during the extremely hot hours of the day in order to avoid heat related injuries. The law advocated for this relieve because a large proportion of the UAE workforce is usually at risk during the summer months since they develop heat-related illnesses that range from the mild heat rash to the serious heat exhaustion, heat injury, and heat stroke (Kanna, 2011:75). In another note, the Ministry of Labor approximated that 42% of general UAE workforce in 2010 went into the construction industry. The same statistics claim that most of these construction workers work aboveground or at high heights. In this case, the law advocates f or protective wear and height awareness programs, through which it encompasses the media, instructional posters, pamphlets and animated videos that come in different languages several languages. More so, the campaign offer manuals for supervisors and employers that contain detailed technical information that vividly explain how to improve industries into safer working places. Additionally, workers in all sectors are entitled to work two hours less than the normal working hours during the holy month of Ramadan because these individuals during the Ramadan period undergo fasting. This means that most of them might not have the needed energy to work for the required full hours. Practical application of health and safety policies and procedures in the workplace Every organization should put up all necessary measure to foresee the safety of its workforce. This means that managers and supervisors should ensure that they have installed safety instruction board in a place that is noticeable for everyone and all the staff should read it (Hughes and Ferrett, 2009. 35). The instructions should contain understandable languages that depend on the work force. In another case, most industries use machines and other heavy equipments, which mean that they should ensure that

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