Saturday, October 5, 2019

Examine and assess how political order is made and repaired Essay

Examine and assess how political order is made and repaired - Essay Example For example between right-hand-driving and left-hand-driving, they may be indifferent in terms of advantages or disadvantages. In some countries the system of right-hand-drive is followed, and in the others it is left-hand-drive. However, for orderly movement, either right or left-hand-drive is required to be followed, and not both, in a particular country. congestion in roads, pollution, etc. Traffic controls and the related group behaviors resulted into major issues of social order. Road user charges and congestion zone charges and toll charges were used as tools for recovery of cost and as a form of control to bring down the level of traffic. In the case of unwritten rules, assumptions and interpretations come into play. These are largely governed by customs in a society, which vary from place to place. Therefore, for the persons living in an environment which is new to them, the assimilation process or adjustment and readjustments would be frustrating initially. Understanding the disparities within the society and among the societies is very important since these are the two fundamental factors which governs social as well a political order. There are disparities in a society on account of income levels. The governments constantly endeavor to narrow down these disparities, and introduce social welfare programs for economically weaker sections of the society to ensure peace in the society. But, the disparities exist within the society on account of caste & creed, color, origins, religions, culture, etc are deep rooted.   The social order becomes vulnerable to these factors, if common minimum standards are not worked out and accepted by various groups of the society. These common minimum standards are naturally evolved, in different walks of life over a period of time and form the basis for all the activities in the society. â€Å"Ever since the man started living in group, it became an endeavor of the persons to understand the group for

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