Sunday, January 5, 2020

Effects Of Maternal Separation On Children s Development

The bond that a child and their parents or caregivers form plays a vital role in the child’s life. Studies were performed by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth to observe the effects that maternal separation had on the child’s development. The hypothesis they formed based off their observations became known as the attachment theory. The attachment theory came about on the core principle that â€Å"children brought up with consistent, loving parents or significant, reliable caregivers can develop a foundation of trust and attachment and can grow up to be well-adjusted adults who are capable of forming trusting and loving relationships.† (Bigner, 2014, p. 50-51) However, if this foundation is missing it can cause problems, such as separation anxiety, to manifest within the child. This bond is particularly important the first two years after a child is born. Bowlby and Ainsworth stated that the nurturing and care should be provided from the child’s main care take r which is commonly the mother. (Bigner, 2014, p. 51) The attachment theory has long provided justification for understanding how the parent-child relationship functions. However, the studies being done on the relationship between the mother and child and the father and child usually take different paths. The studies on the relationship between the mother and child tend to focus on the qualitative aspects. This is the sensitivity the mother provides the child, and if the mother answers the child’s signs â€Å"in an appropriate, warmShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Attachment Theory1510 Words   |  7 Pagesto be close to their main caretaker. If the attachment is deprived from an infant Bowlby argued that the infant could suffer from negative impacts on their development. This could possibly imply that children places in early daycare will later in life suffer consequences for this. 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Bowlby found that many of these boys shared a history of institutionalised care and concluded that infantsRead MoreAttachment Is A Lasting And Profound Emotional Bond1126 Words   |  5 Pagesanother across space and time (Bowlby, 1969; Ainsworth, 1973). Attachment does not have to be a mutual thing; one individual may have an attachment to another person however he or she may not feel the same way. Attachment is considered by the way children behave, for example seeking closeness with the attachment figure when they are endangered or in distress (Bowlby, 1969). Bowlby’s (1951) ethological theory of attachment began with the ‘asocial’ phase, where the child non-discriminatingly sociallyRead MoreThe Effects Of Day Care On The Development Of A Child1592 Words   |  7 PagesIn this assignment I will be discussing the different effects day care can have towards the development of a child. 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This is the sense that all infants need one special attachment relationship, and this gives the child the ability toRead MoreChild Development Theories That Have A Degree Of Influence Over Current Practice1316 Words   |  6 PagesThere is a plethora of child development theories that have a degree of influence over current practice. Each of which both have criticism and contrasting theories. John Bowlby (1907-1990) developed the Theory of Attachment, influenced by the work of Sigmund Freud’s 1926 theory of cupboard love, which suggested that babies form attachments with those who meet their physiological needs, for example; feeding and security. His theory has influenced practice in settings globally and has also influencedRead MoreFactors Influencing The Attachment Risk Model896 Words   |  4 Pagessecurely or insecurely attached based on maternal sensitivity, which therefore predicts long-term adverse behavioral outcomes. This analysis sets up and evaluates the attachment risk model. The attachment risk model is a single factor main effect model. The unit of analysis of the model is twofold. From the time of the child’s birth until two years of age, the unit of analysis is the mother and after two years, the child becomes the unit. The cause is seen as maternal sensitivity during the critical periodRead MoreLearning Theory Of Attachment And The Other Being Bowlbys Evolution Theory1692 Words   |  7 PagesEarly social development is the study of the development of persons from infancy to adulthood. Research is conducted into how childhood experiences affect people’s development in later life. Attachment theories are studied and the effect of no attachment or disrupted attachment is studied and aimed to be resolved. John Bowlby defined attachment as the emotional and physical connection that makes two people stay close to one another. It is between children and their primary caregivers (Psychologistworld

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