Friday, December 20, 2019

Basic Computer Application Exam Paper - 2474 Words

UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS FACULTY OF LAW AND MANAGEMENT SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS MAY 2011 PROGRAMME BSC (HONS) ACCOUNTING (MINOR : FINANCE) BSC (HONS) ACCOUNTING (MINOR : MANAGEMENT) BSC (HONS) FINANCE BSC (HONS) FINANCE (MINOR : LAW) BSC (HONS) MANAGEMENT BSC (HONS) MANAGEMENT WITH FINANCE BSC (HONS) MARKETING MANAGEMENT BSC (HONS) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BSC (HONS) BUSINESS STUDIES (PART-TIME) MODULE NAME DATE May 2011 TIME Hours NO. OF QUESTIONS SET 4 BASIC COMPUTER APPLICATION MODULE CODE CSE 1021 DURATION NO. OF QUESTIONS TO BE ATTEMPTED 2 Hours 4 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This question paper has 4 questions. Answer ALL questions. This paper has an attached answer sheet to answer multiple choice questions. Detach the answer†¦show more content†¦A. B. C. D. E. Understand the users. Understand the task. Understand the context. Produce a stable set of requirements. Design questionnaires to elicit specific information 15. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. B. C. D. People’s immediate memory capacity is very limited Context is not important in affecting our memory Interacting with technology is not cognitive During design implications for attention, we should focus on cluttering the interface E. None of the above 16. Which of the following is NOT a method of externalizing to reduce memory load? A. Notes B. Diaries C. Reminders D. Calendars E. None of the above 17. Which of the following is NOT a valid method of doing annotation? A. Crossing off B. Ticking C. Underlining D. Learning E. None of the above Page 3 of 11 BASIC COMPUTER APPLICATION – CSE 1021 18. â€Å"A department hires many employees. An employee is employed by one department.â€Å" Which cardinality mapping best describes the relationship between Department and Employee? A. 1 to 1 B. 1 to N C. M to N D. N to M E. M to M 19. Which of the following statements is FALSE about data gathering techniques? A. Questionnaires are good for answering specific questions from a large, dispersed group of people. B. Interviews can be structured, unstructured or semi-structured. C. Naturalistic observation is good for exploring issues. D. Workshops are good at gaining a consensus view and/or highlighting areas of conflict. E. DocumentsShow MoreRelatedThe Pre Licensing Course Exam1692 Words   |  7 Pagespre-licensing course exam within the acceptable margin which means I answered at least 80% of the questions correctly. Now, on to the state exam. It is a 115 question-multiple choice test with a four hour time frame. 5 of the questions are dummies and will not be scored. You must a nswer correctly 82 of the 110 questions or score at least 75%. 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