Thursday, September 19, 2019

Antony and Octavio :: Antony Octavio Essays

Chronological analysis of the strengthening of Octavius compared with the errors made by Antony. DATE (BC) Factors affecting Antony Factors affecting Octavius 42BC Battle of Philippi. With Lepidus, Antony led an armed force into Macedonia to face the conspirators who killed Caesar. The "Republican" conspirators had 19 legions at their command (about 120000 men), against the triumvir's 28 legions (about 170000). The triumvirs won resoundingly, and the leaders (Brutus and Cassius) committed suicide. Triumvirs firmly in control of Roman Government. Lepidus, the weaker triumvir, was clearly friendly towards Antony. This is exemplified by his full support against the conspirators despite Octavius' absence, and his previous support for Antony during civil war against Octavius. Battle of Philippi. Octavius was sick during the campaign, and did not play a significant role in its events. However, through his triumviral allies he had avenged the death of his uncle. 42/1BC Division of the Empire. Antony received most of Gaul, but Cisalpine Gaul was redefined as part of Italia. Influence over government in Rome, possibly reduced, as Antony was absent in the provinces to collect taxes and appease veteran soldiers. Lepidus (Antony's ally) was allocated Africa to put him at a distance from Antony and Octavius who divided the European empire between them. Division of the Empire. Octavius received the two Spanish provinces, and Sicily and Sardinia. He settled many of his veterans in Italy, giving him significant influence over the government in the capital. He was also responsible for defeating Sextius Pompey who was causing havoc in Sicily, and a major threat to Rome. 40 Triumvirate strengthened. Antony marries Octavia, sister of the similarly named triumvir. Antony moves East. Power transferred so that he controlled all provinces east of Macedonia (inclusive). Further decrease of influence in Rome as Octavius controls the west, despite the premise of "sharing Italy". Lepidus further marginalised in triumvirate. Triumvirate strengthened. Genuine(?) move by Octavius to maintain alliance through marriage. Octavius takes all of the west. All provinces west of Illyricium were taken over by Octavius' legions. 39 Sextius Pompey appeased by being given Sardinia and Sicily. Sextius Pompey appeased by being given Sardinia and Sicily. 38 Antony discouraged by expansion of Octavius. (read the right column first). Possibly disgruntled by Octavius' acquisition of more territory than was agreed, Antony attacks Octavius' breaking of the 39BC treaty. However, he still sends help to crush Pompey. Makes his capital in Athens. Decline of influence in Rome. (No evidence to suggest he had visited Rome since 41?

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